Annual Budget and Final Millage Adopted for Fiscal Year 2024

Adding machine with calculator tape.

In September, the Town Council held two budget hearings, tentative and final, with the purpose of establishing a millage rate (property tax rate) and associated budget for the upcoming fiscal year due to start on October 1, 2023. These meetings by law have to take place in September and several Councilmembers had to fly back for the annual proceedings.

The final millage rate adopted on September 18 was set at 1.0 mills, which is a rate lower than both the current year's tax rate of 1.1 as well as very slightly lower than the rolled back rate of 1.0008 (the millage rate estimated to result in the same level of Ad Valorem Taxes as collected in the current year). Because gross estimated property values increased since the current year's millage rate was adopted in September last year, the rolled back rate was lower than the current year's rate.

This is the third year in a row that the Town Council has lowered the tax rate in Orchid. 

Budget hearings are open to the public and public participation is encouraged. The September meeting dates are annually decided in May, when the Budget Workshop is held. 

More detail is available on the budget page of this website