Scheduling Inspections

Construction site of residential home in foundation stages

Inspections in Orchid are performed on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

If you applied for your project via the MGO Portal, you can schedule your inspections online in that portal. Please request your inspection no later than the day prior by 2 p.m.

If your project was originally submitted in paper, prior to the digital launch with MGO, please contact the Building Clerk to schedule your inspections. You can use the form that pops up with the button below. Or reach out to provide the following information:

  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Permit Number
  • Project Address
  • Owner Name
  • Inspection Type
  • Date of Inspection Requested

Please call in your inspection request no later than the day prior by 2 p.m.

Remember that someone must be available on-site during the inspection. Your Orchid-issued building permit must be on-site as well. If a ladder is necessary to reach the to-be-inspected area, then you must provide the ladder. 

If you would like to schedule an inspection outside of the Town’s designated days for inspections, then you may make a request of the Building Clerk for a so-called special inspection. The fee for an in-person special inspection is $190 per job site; multiple inspections at a single job site at the same time are permitted. If the special inspection can be done virtually via Facetime, then the fee is $95 per job site. It is up to the Building Official's discretion to determine if your inspection type is eligible to be conducted virtually. Inspections on the Town's designated days for inspections are all conducted in-person.

Avoid Permit Expiration

Be aware that the Florida Building Code requires the Building Official to consider a permit abandoned if no approved inspection has occurred for 180 days. If you are close to meeting that 180-day timeframe since permit approval or your last approved inspection, please email the Building Clerk to request a 90-day extension. It is recommended to do this at least 14 days in advance of expiration. The 180-day timeframe includes weekends and holidays. If you do not timely request an extension, you are at risk of having to apply for a new permit for the same job, which includes payment of a new permit fee. The Building Clerk can assist you in determining the date from which to count 180 days, but it is not the responsibility of the Town to notify you in advance of permit expiration. Please include the following in your 90-day extension request:

  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Permit Number
  • Project Address
  • Owner Name
  • Date of last positive action by the Building Official: permit approval or most recent approved inspection