1. Future Land Use Element

Goal Statement

To manage growth over two planning horizons (through year 2027 and 2035) in the Town of Orchid (“Town”) in a manner which is consistent with the capabilities of the natural and man-made systems and which meets the residents’ and businesses’ social and economic needs.

Objective 1.1: Topography, Soil Conditions and the Availability of Facilities and Services 

Development orders shall not be issued unless the development is compatible with the physical constraints of the land and unless public facilities and services are available.

Policy 1.1.1: Residential developments within coastal high hazard areas shall meet or exceed all applicable requirements for coastal construction.

Policy 1.1.2: The development of residential and commercial land shall be phased in conjunction with the provision of supporting community facilities, such as streets, utilities, police and fire protection service, emergency medical service.

Policy 1.1.3: Public facilities and services must meet the adopted level-of-service standards and must be available concurrent with the impacts of development as specified in the section pertaining Maintenance of Established Levels-of-Service of the Capital Improvements Element of this plan.

Objective 1.2: Protection of Historic and Natural Resources 

The Town of Orchid shall protect the natural and historic resources in the Town from the adverse impacts of development.

Policy 1.2.1: In accordance with Indian River County (“County”), the Florida Department of State, and the National Register of Historic Places Jungle Trail is designated a scenic and historic roadway.

Policy 1.2.2: The Town has prepared an inventory of all historic, archeological, and architectural resources within the corporate limits and has found no such resources.

Policy 1.2.3: The Town adopted land development regulations to protect, preserve and provide criteria for the sensitive re-use of identified resources.

Policy 1.2.4: Public and private development activities, located in areas where historic or archaeological artifacts are discovered, shall cease temporarily to allow for evaluation of historic significance.

Policy 1.2.5: The Town shall regulate development of areas which are prone to flooding and areas within the 100-year floodplain in a manner that is consistent with the regulations established by the National Flood Insurance Program.

Policy 1.2.6: The Town of Orchid shall regulate development of areas which are prone to flooding and areas within the 100 year floodplain in a manner that is consistent with regulations established by the National Flood Insurance Program.

Policy 1.2.7: In recognition of the Town’s environmentally important vegetative communities, the Town has developed and adopted criteria for the protection of a minimum of 25 percent of the native vegetative communities within all building lots.

Policy 1.2.8: Through land development regulations, the Town will require the preparation of an environmental assessment on all development proposals, with the exception of single family residences, for all property in the Town.

Objective 1.3: Coastal Population Densities

The entire Town lies within the Coastal High Hazard Area. To effectively implement county and regional evacuation plans, the gross density of the Town has been limited.

Policy 1.3.1: The gross density of the Town is not and shall not be in excess of 2 dwelling units per gross acre, as measured to the centerline of adjacent roadways. The Town’s gross density shall be averaged across all properties with a residential designation on the future land use map.

Policy 1.3.2: The Town shall periodically review County and regional evacuation plans to ensure that the gross density of the Town, as then prevailing as well as projected, are consistent with and are coordinated with such evacuation plans.

Objective 1.4: Coordinated Planning

The Town will coordinate with the resource planning and management activities of the State to ensure that all future development will be consistent with approved management plans.

Policy 1.4.1: On a periodic basis, the Town shall review all newly approved State management plans for applicability to local land development regulations.

Objective 1.5: Future Development Form

The Town will establish an efficient and compact land use pattern which discourages urban sprawl. All development will maintain the low-density character of the Town, while ensuring adequate land for utility facilities is available to support proposed development.

Policy 1.5.1: The Town hereby adopts the Future Land Use Goal, Objectives and Policies and the following maps as the basis for directing all land development regulations in the Town:

  • Master Plan
  • Existing Land Use Map
  • 2035 Future Land Use Map
  • Traffic Circulation Map
  • Recreational Facilities Map
  • Master Drainage Map
  • Floodplains Map
  • Coastal High Hazard Area Map
  • Natural Resources Map
  • Wetlands Map
  • Plants Communities Map
  • Soils Map

Policy 1.5.2: The Town’s Future Land Use Map contains the following land use designations:

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Conservation

Policy 1.5.3: Development in the Residential land use designation shall be limited to the following:

  • Residential uses: Single-family and Multi-family, not to exceed a gross density of 2 dwelling units/ acre as averaged across all property with a residential designation on the future land use map and as measured to the centerline of adjacent roadways;
  • Recreational Uses;
  • Country clubs and golf courses;
  • Community amenities;
  • Municipal administrative and legislative facilities; and
  • Accessory uses ancillary and related to the primary use of the property

Policy 1.5.4: Development in the Commercial land use designation shall be limited to the following:

  • Professional offices, retail trade, business, personal services, recreational, medical, cultural facilities, and golf course maintenance facilities.
  • Professional business offices;
  • Medical uses;
  • Personal services;
  • Retail sales;
  • Dining establishments;
  • Cultural facilities;
  • Recreational uses;
  • Country clubs and golf courses;
  • Community amenities;
  • Municipal administrative and legislative facilities;
  • Residential uses: Single-family and Multi-family not to exceed 3 dwelling units per acre;
    • Residential density within the commercial land use shall be limited to and calculated upon on the portion of the property dedicated for residential purposes.
    • Residential development within the commercial land use category shall comply with the Town’s established overall gross density.
    • Commercially designated properties incorporating residential development shall be reviewed under the Planned Development standards set forth in the land development code.
  • Accessory uses ancillary and related to the primary use of the property
  • Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for development within commercial category shall not exceed 0.50.

Policy 1.5.5: Land development regulations shall provide performance standards for commercial development which at a minimum address the following:

  • Land use compatibility, buffering and landscaping;
  • Access points, traffic controls and parking;
  • Signage;
  • Gross floor area, impervious surface ratios;
  • Open space;
  • Character of an area;
  • Environmental impact; and
  • Height, density and features.

Policy 1.5.6: Development in the Conservation land use designation shall be limited to the following:

  • Conservation;
  • Passive Recreation;
  • Accessory uses of a low impact directly serving an existing passive recreational or conservation use;
  • Or if other uses, replaced by equal land acreage re-designated as conservation land.

Policy 1.5.7: Institutional uses, excluding municipal administrative facilities or cultural facilities, are prohibited in the Town.

Policy 1.5.8: Public schools are not permitted within any land use category within the Town.

Policy 1.5.9: The Town’s  land development regulations for the purpose of implementing the Comprehensive Plan include the following:

  • The use of land and water consistent with the Future Land Use Map and Comprehensive Plan;
  • The subdivision of land;
  • The use of areas subject to periodic flooding and the provision of adequate drainage and storm water protection;
  • The protection of environmentally sensitive lands;
  • The regulation of signage, landscaping and other aesthetic controls;
  • The provision of safe on-site and off-site traffic circulation and adequate parking;
  • The review of all development applications to ensure that all provisions of the Comprehensive Plan are enforced.

Policy 1.5.10: Residential neighborhoods shall be designed to include an efficient system of internal circulation, including the provision of collector streets to direct traffic onto arterial roads.

Policy 1.5.11: Subdivisions shall be designed so that all individual lots have access to the internal street systems, and periphery lots are buffered from major roads and incompatible land uses.

Policy 1.5.12: The Town shall implement land development regulations that are consistent with St. Johns River Water Management District (“Water Management District”) drainage regulations.

Objective 1.6: Diversity of Development

The Town may provide for Planned Development regulations within the land development code.

Policy 1.6.1: The Land Development Regulations may permit the development of projects which require flexibility from the Land Development Regulations in order to maximize open space and conserve natural features, incorporate recreational facilities and mixed-use projects.

Objective 1.7: Level-of-Service Standards

All future development will be consistent with the levels-of-service established in this plan for public services established in this and other elements of the Comprehensive Plan.

Policy 1.7.1: The development of residential and commercial land shall be phased in conjunction with the provision of supporting community facilities, such as streets, utilities, police and fire protection service, emergency medical service.

Policy 1.7.2: Infrastructure and related services must meet the adopted level-of-service standard and must be available concurrent with the impacts of development .

Objective 1.8: Governmental Coordination

The Town implemented procedures to improve coordination with affected and appropriate governments and agencies to maximize their input into the development process and mitigate potential adverse impacts of future development activities.

Policy 1.8.1: Request for development orders or permits shall be coordinated as appropriate with the County, affected municipalities, special districts, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, Water Management District, Indian River Mosquito Control District and State and Federal agencies. Applicant shall obtain third-party approval and/or permits as requested or necessary.

Policy 1.8.2: The Town shall adopt, amend, and enforce land development regulations that are consistent with and implement the Comprehensive Plan within one year after submission of the Comprehensive Plan or amend the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes.